Providing services throughout the State of Florida and other states, we offer a broad range of legal and planning services pertaining to transactional and litigation matters. We provide exceptional value to our clients by providing strategic and practical counsel, with a view towards timely meeting the client’s specific goals and needs.
Some of our areas of practice are:
The Firm brings a wealth of knowledge to the authorization and implementation process of complex ecosystem restoration initiatives. Bringing over 15 years of experience with Everglades, Lake Okeechobee, and Kissimmee River restoration, we know the complexities of Federal and State restoration initiatives and how to navigate them.
We have worked with Agricultural, Tribal, local government, not-for-profit and private sector clients to understand and effectively participate in these types of initiatives. Read more…
With more focus on the cost-saving benefits related to reducing energy use, governments and private sector companies are developing strategies aimed at reducing fossil fuel use either in the built environment or transportation. The Firm has been at the forefront in working with clients to secure energy conservation incentives and creating retrofitting programs. We have sought, and secured, numerous energy-related grants for these types of programs and initiatives.
A key component of our practice is the development of energy financing programs to help local governments and the private sector benefit from new market development related to energy efficiency. Read more…