
With more focus on the cost saving benefits related to reducing energy use, governments and private sector companies are developing strategies aimed at reducing fossil fuel use either in the built environment or transportation. The Firm has been at the forefront in working with clients to secure energy conservation incentives and creating retrofitting programs. We have sought, and secured, numerous energy-related grants for these types of programs and initiatives.

A key component of our practice is the development of energy financing programs to help local governments and the private sector benefit from new market development related to energy efficiency. Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs are a large part of representative projects with the Firm having worked on two in the State of Florida. Participating in litigation against Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on energy financing incentive programs has enabled us to connect to programs across the U.S. to exchange experiences related to best practices in the energy finance industry.

Speaking and participating in forums nationally has allowed the Firm to gain unique experiences and contacts necessary for the development of successful programs and initiatives.