5 City Conservation Coalition

Erin L. Deady, P.A. created a coalition between the cities of Lantana, Haverhill, Ocean Ridge, Palm Beach Shores and the City of Atlantis to secure over $1.5 Million in grants to develop overall energy conservation and awareness strategies for their communities.


The Palm Beach County, Florida municipalities of Lantana, Haverhill, Ocean Ridge, Palm Beach Shores and the City of Atlantis


Ms. Deady created the grant strategy, wrote the grant, secured the partnerships, coordinated all data required for the grant submittal and secured support from Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. The projects were completed in April, 2012.

In furtherance of this grant, Ms. Deady also secured $391,851.00 of grant funds from Palm Beach County for four (4) of the cities to complete energy retrofit projects on their municipal Halls and facilities. Those retrofits are almost complete or are already completed.


Ms. Deady spearheaded an effort to create a coalition of 5 cities in Palm Beach County to pursue a $1.238 Million grant through the Florida Energy and Climate Commission. The grant approach included a citywide greenhouse gas emissions inventory for all 5 participating municipalities (Lantana, Haverhill, Ocean Ridge, Palm Beach Shores and the City of Atlantis), development of an overall energy conservation strategy that includes reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, and investment grade energy audit of city facilities and buildings, a transportation strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and a building code strategy to reduce energy use from existing and new buildings and homes.

The strategy also included an educational component to allow the cities to increase energy conservation awareness and provide tools and resources for citizens and businesses to complete energy conservation projects. The strategy included a partnership with FP&L, 1,000 Friends of Florida and Radio Green Earth, a non-profit environmental green radio program on the local NPR affiliate.

beach with palm trees in ocean ridge, fl

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