Florida Green Energy Works

The Florida Green Energy Works (FGEW) program was formed using proceeds from a $341,000 Grant coordinated by Ms. Deady on behalf of Lantana and the Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce.


Lantana and the Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce


Ms. Deady is the lead on legal formation of the non-ad valorem assessment mechanism to levy and collect the financing provided to property owners through their tax bill. She is lead on all Agreements, Resolutions and Ordinances for the creation of the program. She has also been the lead on the formation of an Inter-local Agreement whereby other local governments throughout the state can enter into the Florida Green Energy Works program. The program currently includes 11 local governments across four different counties.


Ms. Deady has been part of a team creating the first statewide commercially- focused energy financing program for property owners. Modeled after Property Assessed Clean Energy (“PACE”) programs which evolved out of California, the Florida Green Energy Works (FGEW) program was formed using proceeds from a $341,000 Grant coordinated by Ms. Deady on behalf of Lantana and the Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce.

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